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Gulliver Became A Young Boy - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович - Страница 1

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  This time, the legendary traveler Gulliver turned out to be a young slave, turning into a boy who stamps his bare feet on sharp stones. And then he became a cabin boy on a pirate ship.

  . CHAPTER #1

  The transition was quite long. The road is rocky and the hot rocks are tropical climate. And the sun was just about to set.

  The boy Gulliver walked along with the mistress girl. She spanked with her bare feet much more confidently than her counterpart, who had become so young, looked about twelve years old.

  The boy Gulliver muttered:

  - I'm tired and thirsty!

  The girl replied with a laugh:

  - You are a slave! And slaves cannot ask something from their masters!

  The boy sighed. Until recently, he was an adult and a captain, but now he turned out to be just a barefooted shket, who is urged on as they want!

  But then came the halt. The convoy decided to rest and have a bite to eat. The captive boys, who were adults, stopped a few hours ago.

  And they were allowed to drink some water and eat a tortilla with cheese and garlic.

  Local food seemed delicious to Gulliver. In addition, he appreciated that now he has young, healthy, absolutely whole teeth. Then he got excited.

  Only the bare soles of the feet were very much knocked down and scratched on the pebbles.

  Then they were on their way again.

  There were some long days here, or did it just seem so?

  The girl asked Gulliver:

  - So you believe in your God, but you could, for example, go to the stake for faith!

  The young traveler replied:

  - I am against extremes and fanaticism!

  The girl agreed

  - This is right! But there were those among you who went to their deaths!

  Gulliver replied with a smile:

  - They were different! Who went to a painful death, and who betrayed! And not only at gunpoint, but for self-interest!

  The girl smiled. Her bare feet slapped the coarse gravel, and apparently she even liked that.

  She sang:

  The love of Christ is beautiful and pure,

  She is a solid, bright beauty ...

  At the same time, there is a lot of evil in our world,

  Probably still a strong Satan!

  The boy Gulliver was surprised:

  Where does this psalm come from?

  The girl answered with a smile:

  - I wrote it myself! What's good?

  Gulliver replied with a smile:

  - To be honest, not bad! But do you believe in Christ?

  The young viscountess logically remarked:

  - In what sense?

  The boy-captain grunted:

  - Nu, that he God!?

  The girl shrugged her shoulders and replied:

  - That he is the Almighty God and the creator of the universe no. But the fact that he, perhaps, had some kind of magical abilities - quite!

  Gulliver elaborated:

  Why don't you believe in His Divine nature?

  The girl confidently answered:

  - Because stupidly agree to the Almighty to go to the cross! Very stupid, having the power to not be able to protect yourself!

  The boy captain replied:

  - He did it to take all our sins upon himself!

  The young viscountess giggled and replied:

  - It is not very hard to believe that the Almighty God had no other way to save mankind than to go to the cross Himself. But what about the infinite wisdom of the creator?!

  Gulliver shrugged his shoulders and replied:

  - Well ... There are secrets that even angels want to penetrate! And in general, it can really be otherwise and it is impossible!

  The girl nodded.

  - Here I will order you to embed with sticks on your bare heels, and then it will be possible!

  There was a painful silence. Gulliver didn't know what to add. Indeed, theologians have been arguing for centuries. And it's really a paradox: having added another, very big crime, people got a chance for salvation. There is still a lot to argue about. And about whether the Son did not bring a ransom with his sacrifice. Only to whom? To the Father - this is strange, would the Father take such a ransom as the death of the Son. But it also sounds blasphemous to Satan.

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