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Gulliver And The Barehoe Vicomtess - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович - Страница 1

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  Gulliver, who has again become an eternal boy, performs feats and shows his wisdom and ingenious saying. Together with him, barefoot on sharp stones, the viscountess stomps, whose poor, tanned legs with honor stand the ordeal.

  . CHAPTER #1

  Having become a youthful body, the former captain and illustrious traveler woke up.

  And so he again had to stomp his bare, childish feet on the sharp stones of the road in the direction of the port.

  A girl from a noble family, took and got down from her unicorn.

  And she walked together, taking off her jeweled sandals.

  In doing so, she remarked:

  - It is necessary that the feet on the legs do not become soft, but are as stiff and strong as possible!

  The boy Gulliver nodded:

  - This is a very wise remark! But to be honest, here in Britain the desire of a viscountess to walk barefoot would seem very strange!

  The girl sang in response:

  The whole earth is warmed with warmth,

  And on it I run barefoot ...

  I want it to be summer

  Do not drag into the snowdrifts by force!

  The boy captain agreed.

  - Yes, summer is much better! It's so nice when the sun shines and the snowdrifts shimmer in the rays!

  Here Gulliver corrected himself:

  - I wanted to say pearl dewdrops on the grass!

  The girl laughed and sang:

  - Dew, dew, dew, dew,

  Buzzing like a swarm of wasps!

  And then she added:

  - No! This is neither to the village, nor to the garden!

  Gulliver agreed:

  - Yes, neither to the village, nor to the garden! But in any case, you and I are great, we sang together.

  The boy's children's legs healed during the night, and now it was not as painful to walk as it was yesterday.

  The mood also lifted.

  Gulliver noted:

  - That's really what I don't understand, why do you need slaves?

  The Viscountess snorted contemptuously.

  - And what's incomprehensible here?

  The boy remarked seriously:

  - You are eternal children, you have good endurance - you can work yourself!

  The girl laughed and chirped:

  - Stomp your right foot,

  Wave the left hand ...

  It's good to live in the world

  Doing nothing!

  Gulliver replied:

  - Doing nothing is boring!

  The Viscountess giggled and remarked:

  - went out of the hut,

  Healthy goons...

  The boy asked:

  - Well, so what?

  The girl replied:

  - They cut down all the oaks,

  To the coffins!

  And how this eternal child will take and laugh. Yes, it's extremely cool.

  Gulliver asked the Viscountess:

  - Are you serious?

  The girl sang:

  In the joke kingdom

  It's been so long...

  Nothing, as you know

  It doesn't happen seriously!

  The boy replied with a smile:

  - Yes, I understand that! Eternal childhood in mind and body!

  The Viscountess remarked:

  - Existence determines consciousness!

  Gulliver nodded vigorously with his childish head:

  - It's hard not to agree! Right now, at least physically, I feel very good and cheerful. And even the downed soles in the children's body so quickly coarsen, and become strong and calloused, that they no longer hurt, but on the contrary it became even pleasant to walk.

  The girl nodded vigorously and remarked:

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