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Shadow - Dohner Laurann - Страница 41

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“I’d like that.”

Creek gently squeezed her. “I’m glad for you then. He’ll return when Medical clears him.”

“It’s frightening to allow myself to feel.” Beauty clung to her hand. “You should take a chance and allow someone to get close to you, Creek. It is scary but I’ve come to realize I have nothing to lose. I wasn’t living. I was just existing. There’s a world of difference. I deserve to be happy and so do you. I was forced to spend my life mostly alone but I have more now. I was locked inside a basement with only the guards to bring me food when they decided to feed me. I was only allowed out when Master wanted me upstairs. I hated it when a day or two would go by without seeing anyone but being taken upstairs was worse.”

Creek stared at her for long seconds before she released her hand. “I’ll give it some thought.” She smiled. “You’re pretty brave for a Gift, Beauty. Know that. I’m much stronger but the idea of putting my heart in a male’s hands scares the hell out of me. I’ve been hurt enough.”

“I’m really not. I’m scared all the time but I’m more afraid of wasting the life I’ve been given by never taking chances. I have enough regrets.”

* * * * *

Shadow growled at Dr. Harris, the wrinkled, white-haired male who was much older than him. The human frowned.

“Don’t take a chunk out of me. No biting, damn it. I’m done giving you stitches.”

“I will not bite. It hurt. I make noises when I’m in pain.”

“Sorry about that but I’m glad you’re not feeling ornery toward me.” The doctor snapped off the gloves and tossed them in the trash. “I already got bitten this week.” He shoved up his white coat to show a bandage on his arm. “Wild Zone residents aren’t the best patients. I had to get four stitches myself. I’m lucky he just tore me a bit.”

“I don’t live there. I was visiting.”

“Right.” The doctor walked over to the wall to flip on a light and study the scan he’d ordered. “No permanent damage, no fractures to your skull, and no bleeding or swelling on the brain. You guys have hard heads.” He flipped off the light and turned around. “Are you still experiencing problems with your vision? Dizziness? Nausea? Any ringing in your ears? Headache?”

“The shot you gave me seems to have worked to stop those symptoms.”

“I envy you.” The doctor took a seat on the stool. “My joints are killing me. Arthritis is a bitch.”

Shadow arched his eyebrows, not sure what that meant.

“Never mind. Your kind don’t suffer from it and probably never will. That’s the advantage to having your hybrid genetics. They strained out the bad ones.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re fine. You might feel more aggressive for the next twenty-four hours so watch your temper. No fighting. Stay away from the women too.”

“I can’t do that. I need to return to Beauty. She’s waiting for me at the cabin.”

“Oh.” Interest sparked in the male’s eyes. “You’re the one assigned to guard the Gift Female and see if she’s interested in sex? How is that going? Do you need any advice?”

“It is fine.”

“You wouldn’t be here if that were true. Is she the one who pushed you out a window? I was told you were shoved from the second floor of a cabin.”

“A male attacked me.”

“Huh. I didn’t get many details. How did that happen? I thought you two were supposed to be alone out there. Was it a Wild Zone resident? They can be a bit unstable.”

“It was Torrent.”

“Really?” The doctor’s eyes widened. “He doesn’t live out there but he deals with the wilder Species often. I guess they are rubbing off on him. I thought he’d be a good example to teach them how to control their instincts but maybe I should have a talk with him about how he shouldn’t go around attacking other people.”

Irritation flared. “He believed I was harming Beauty.”

“Were you?”

“No!” Shadow snarled again, insulted.

“Take it easy, young man. I just asked a question. Are you sure you don’t want advice? I give it all the time when you guys try to hook up with women who aren’t Species. I’ve seen Gifts and they are pretty small. Are you worried about being too rough with her?”

“We shared sex. It was fine.”

The doctor grinned. “Fine, huh? Maybe you do need some pointers. Sex should be amazing.” He chuckled. “I was young once. I would have been doing something wrong if any woman said that after I got done with her. In my day—”

A knock sounded on the door and it opened, interrupting the doctor. Shadow identified the male who poked his head inside and growled again. Torrent held his gaze before entering the room.

“I wanted to apologize.” Torrent had changed clothes and his hair was wet from a shower.

Dr. Harris stood. “No fighting in my exam room!” He got between them.

Shadow rose to his feet, glaring at the other male over the shorter human’s head. “You had no right to enter the cabin.”

“No one told me why you two were there. I just assumed a Gift wanted a little fresh air and to see the woods. I’m really sorry. I heard sounds when I went to knock and thought maybe one of the Wild Zone residents might have gotten inside. They are pretty nosy. I went inside to make sure they weren’t causing problems. Then I realized you were mounting the Gift. It is ingrained in me to protect her.”

Anger still made his blood boil but he acknowledged the regret in the other male’s face. He seemed sincere. Shadow unfurled his fists. He’d learned patience when he’d lived at the task force headquarters. Misunderstandings happened often between Species and humans. He just hadn’t expected it from other Species males.

“I would never force myself on a female.”

“I’m glad to hear that but I don’t know you. I assumed the worst.” Torrent lowered his gaze. “Do you want to take a swing at me to make us even?” He glanced up, holding his stare.

“Not in my exam room!” Dr. Harris shook his head. “Take it outside in twenty-four hours.” He glared at Torrent. “I have him a shot to help him heal. He’s not doing anything until it wears off.”

Shadow decided to forgive the male. He had been attempting to defend Beauty, after all. “You could still teach me to swim. I’m afraid the river being so close will pose a danger. I never learned.”

“I would be more than happy to do that. We’ll start tomorrow.”

“Not Beauty though. You stay away from her. You teach me and I will teach her.”

A grin lifted the corners of the other male’s lips. “I understand. I doubt I’m her favorite person right now.” He reached up and touched his shoulder. A bandage could be seen through the thin material of his shirt. “She bit me.”

Shadow smiled back, feeling satisfaction. “I’m the only male she wants.”

Chapter Fourteen

Creek tilted her head. “Someone approaches. I hear a Jeep.”

Beauty trailed her from the kitchen to the front door. The two council members had remained outside where Creek joined them. Beauty hesitated, glancing around first to be sure none of the human task force members were present too. A Jeep parked and relief swept through her as Shadow slid out of the passenger seat.

The dark-haired Species with bright-green eyes approached Shadow while the other one hung back. “How are you doing?”

“Fine.” Shadow’s gaze sought Beauty before he glanced at the Species. “You may go.”

He tried to step away but the male blocked his path. “Not so fast.”

“What’s wrong, Jaded?” Creek walked down the porch steps to halt at his side.

“The male had to be given the healing drugs. The symptoms will make him irritable, aggressive, and unstable. Shadow, you should return in the morning once you’re feeling more yourself.”

“I’m fine.” Shadow sidestepped Jaded, his focus locked on Beauty again. “I’d never harm her.”

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