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Shadow - Dohner Laurann - Страница 13

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“You do that. It’s my job to protect my females and see to their needs.” Breeze glared at him. “She feels enslaved by our rules regarding Gift Females. She said so. I’ll go over your head if I have to and Justice owes me big-time. I refuse to back down.”

Fury regarded her warily. “What do you have in mind?”

Breeze turned her head to narrow her gaze at Shadow. He could almost see her mind working, plotting something.

“No.” He vehemently shook his head. “I’m not the male you want to use as some experiment to see if she wants to share sex.” The idea sent him into a panic. “I was abused too and it’s been too long since I shared sex with a female. I avoid it.”

“Even better.” Breeze smiled. “You won’t initiate it and you’d be sensitive to her trauma.” She glanced at Fury. “Are you thinking what I am?”

“Shit,” Fury groaned. “I think so.”

“What?” Shadow glanced between the two Species staring at him with calculated looks. “No. Whatever you are thinking, no!”

Chapter Four

“I refuse.” Shadow glared at Brass.

The male watched him silently for long seconds. “Fine. The Gift Female showed an interest in you and you’re the only male she’s had contact with but I’m sure she’ll do fine with a stranger. Is that the stance you’re taking? Think about it long and hard.”

“Haven’t I been used as an experiment enough?”

“She’s Gift. Wouldn’t you lay down your life to protect her? They are our weakest females and helpless to defend themselves.”

“Of course I would die if that’s what it took to keep her safe.”

“You feel secure that all males would take care with her? You’re putting her in someone else’s care if you refuse to escort her to Reservation and live alongside her. What if they don’t take her feelings into consideration as much as you would? What if they press her into doing more than she is comfortable with if they become really aroused? You wouldn’t do that, would you?”

Shadow glared at his friend, guessing he’d come to Homeland just to be the one to talk him into agreeing to Breeze’s plan. “Of course not. You’re using guilt tactics?”

Broad shoulders shrugged. “She knows you. I’m aware of your history. She’s not human so you shouldn’t have adverse reactions being near her but you know all about having the will of your body taken from your control. You share that common bond with her. I trust that you would be hypersensitive to her feelings and not pressure her into anything. How many males have that background?”

“We’ve all been forced to share sex at times due to Mercile attempting to breed children from us.”

“You were drugged and strapped to sterile machines while your seed was forced from your body. It was a form of rape. The Gift Female was forced to endure a human putting his hands on her without regard. Neither of you had other Species to comfort you or make those events less traumatic. I read your report about what happened the night you spent with her. She allowed you to hold her and she admitted she’d never been kindly touched. You could have pushed for more physical contact but you didn’t. You are perfect for this assignment. She may not wish to share sex but at least she’ll feel secure enough with you to attempt it if she does. You’re the right male for her.”

“I’m not the right male for anyone.” Shadow hated to admit weakness. “I’m deeply flawed inside, Brass. I suffer nightmares often, cold sweats, and I’m not prepared to share sex with anyone. I’ve had females offer but I have refused. I keep having flashbacks to the time I was held inside that warehouse.”

“Wrath got past it.”

“He’s a stronger male than I am.”

“Bullshit.” Brass softly growled, flashing irritation in his steady gaze. “He is like a brother to you because you’re so close and have similar traits. Do I need to call him here to speak to you? He and Lauren are enjoying their first days inside their new home in seclusion. Do you need his words instead of mine to convince you that you should be the one to tend the Gift Female? What would he say?”

“Shit.” Shadow knew when he was beaten. “He’d tell me to go because I couldn’t live with it if someone else pressured her into doing something she wasn’t ready for when I could have prevented it.”

“Exactly. You would be less inclined to mistake any signals she makes and be certain of what she wants before you act. Now pack a few weeks of clothing and be ready to fly out in thirty minutes. We’re out of here then.”

“I haven’t taken the time to settle into my apartment yet. I haven’t unpacked.”

“Good.” Brass drew closer. “You are the right male for this, Shadow. I’d worry if another male were to spend time with a Gift Female. This is new territory. We have no idea what to expect but we want them to thrive with freedom the way we do. She’s fragile emotionally as well as physically. You won’t forget that.”

“That is true.” He couldn’t argue with Brass’ logic.

“Just be yourself and all will be fine.”

He wasn’t so sure of that but the idea of Beauty being secluded with another male to allow her the freedom to pursue possible physical relations with him made Shadow want to snarl. She was too innocent and someone could take advantage of that.

* * * * *

“What is Reservation like?” Excitement and worry warred within Beauty as she watched Breeze pack her clothing in a duffle bag. “I’ve heard there are miles of trees and lots of open space.”

“There are both of those things.” Breeze grinned, meeting her gaze. “You will enjoy it. You’re being sent to a cabin near a river.” The smile faded. “You must not wade into the water. Do you understand? The current is strong. There’s a small area that is safe. Your escort will show you. It’s an inlet where the current doesn’t reach and the water is only about waist high.”

“Your waist or mine?”

Breeze chuckled. “Mine but you aren’t that short. It won’t be higher than your breasts.”

“I don’t know how to swim.”

“I guessed that. None of us knew but we learned.”

“Will my escort teach me how to swim too?”

“I’m unsure if he knows how. Just stay away from the main body of the river.” The taller Species closed the bag. “There you go. You’re loaded up with enough outfits to last you a few weeks. Getting away will be good for you and you will know real freedom. The Wild Zone is just the place. The inhabitants were warned to stay away. Not that they’d harm you.”

“Do they know I’m Gift?” Beauty hated the idea of being stared upon with pity. She got it a lot when she was in the general population and caught the attention of some of the men who dared glance her way.

“Anyone who sees you knows. Your size gives that away but yes, they are aware and that’s why they will stay out of your territory.”

“Oh.” Disappointment hit.

“What is wrong?” Breeze’s dark gaze sharpened, not missing anything.


“Talk to me right now.”

“I’d hoped going there would change things. I wanted to speak to men and get to know some of them.”

“The Wild Zone is filled with our antisocial Species but they are aware they might be frightening for you if you were to run into them.”

“Explain.” Beauty perched on her bed.

“Some were considered failures by Mercile Industries. Their facial differences can be more severe than ours.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Their animal traits are more pronounced. They look more animal than human. That’s what I’m trying to say.” Breeze reached up and rubbed her nose. “Ours are slightly wider than a typical human’s but some of the Wild Zone males can have flatter features, their mouths shaped like whatever animal DNA they were mixed with, and their hair texture isn’t always as human.”

“Are they not allowed to live at Homeland?”

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