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Shadow - Dohner Laurann - Страница 11

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“What did you say to me?” Kit took a threatening step forward.

Beauty refused to back down. “I don’t know what your problem is but you’re mean, Kit. I might not be as strong as you or as big but I have something you never will.”

“I’m dying to hear this. What would that be?”

“You have been given so much but you don’t appreciate it. You’re cruel to your own kind when we aren’t the enemy.”

“I am not.”

“I live next door to you.” Beauty walked away, determined to distance herself from the angry Species and return to the dorm on her own. She took five steps before a hand clamped down on her shoulder to make her stop. She stared at Kit.

“What does that mean?”

“You think Shadow forced me into that shed. You’re the naive one if you believe I didn’t welcome spending time with him. I’d never treat him the way you do our males by using them and tossing them out your door the second you get what you want from them. Release me.”

Shock was evident on the feline’s features as her eyes widened. No words came from her lips but she did release her. Beauty faced forward and marched through the damp grass, avoiding the muddy puddles.

“Hey, Beauty?”

Her back stiffened but she kept going, refusing to verbally spar with Kit. She’d stood up for herself and said the words that had filled her head. It had felt good despite being terrified the woman would strike out. The fight would be short and Beauty knew she couldn’t win if there was actual violence.

“You’re growing pretty brave for a primate. Too bad your fangs aren’t as sharp as your tongue. Words don’t hurt as much as physical pain. Remember that.”

Beauty halted and peered over her shoulder to see if Kit was still watching her, wondering if it was a threat. “I wouldn’t agree and that statement just proves who is more intelligent between us.” She opened her mouth, curled her upper lip back, and hissed at the feline. She had sharp teeth and didn’t hesitate to show them for once. “I’m not as weak as you think.”

Kit did the unexpected by suddenly grinning. “Get your ass home. I think I actually like you. Breeze is fit to be tied. Good luck with her. You better hope Ellie has arrived at the dorm to handle you instead.”

Beauty hurried through the park to the sidewalk. Carts and Jeeps passed her but she kept her head down, refused to glance at them to see if she was being stared at. It wasn’t normal for a Gift Female to walk alone. Escorts were usually assigned to them if they left the dorm. Her wearing a flag would also draw a lot of attention.

Dread made her stomach quiver when she reached the front doors and Breeze opened them. The tall Species wore an oversized T-shirt and it was obvious by her messy hair that she’d recently rolled out of bed.

“Are you all right?” Concern etched her features. “Should I take you to Medical?”

“I’m fine.” Beauty wanted to flee to her room but the canine had other ideas when she grabbed her hand, holding on to it. It made her stop to stare up at Breeze.

“Security wouldn’t tell me his name. I want it or I’m going to sniff you to find out.” Her voice deepened into a growl. “I’ll take care of him. He’ll pay for what he’s done.”

“He didn’t do anything.” Beauty hated the way everyone assumed Shadow had done something bad to her. She wiggled her hand free and crossed her arms over her chest. Worry for Shadow made her feel braver than normal. “Leave him alone. Better yet, mind your own business.”

Breeze gaped at her in astonishment. “What?”

“I appreciate your concern and the fact that you’d go after a man in retribution for whatever crime you assume he committed but leave him alone.”

“Are you running a fever? Feeling ill? Your immune system isn’t as tough as ours. Did you catch a cold?”

“No. There’s nothing wrong with me. That’s the problem. No one seems to be able to realize that. I’m not weak or stupid. I spent the night with a man who held me while I slept. That’s all he did and I’m grateful to him. Not grateful that he just held me without trying to have sex with me but that he was there at all. Shadow is wonderful.” She spun away and rushed to the stairs, longing to reach her room to get away from everyone.

Breeze caught up with her as she yanked open her apartment door and entered. She almost closed the door on the other Species before she saw her. The door was pushed open and her apartment invaded by a wary canine sporting a frown.

“Beauty? What the hell is going on?”

“Leave me alone.” She decided to retreat to her room since there was no way she could physically kick out Breeze.

The door slammed and she jumped, her head snapping around. Breeze hadn’t left but instead watched with her dark, intense gaze. “Talk to me. What has gotten into you? Why were you even outside last night? Did he come in here and get you? How did you even meet Shadow? He’s one of the newer males. He was assigned to the task force.”

Tears welled in her eyes and she hated them. “Why bother to talk? I’m a Gift Female. I know the rules.”

Breeze stalked her, moving on bare feet in a way that made her feel a little fear. She was an intimidating woman and had an odd expression on her face. She paused a few feet away.

“I can’t help you unless you tell me what is wrong.”

Beauty wiped at her tears. “You wouldn’t understand. No one does.”

“Make me. Talk. What does you being Gift have to do with this and what rules?”

She pondered speaking her mind. She didn’t see any anger on Breeze’s face though. “I’m not Halfpint or Tiny. They are terrified of men. I love both of them, they are my friends, but they need those rules to protect them. I don’t.”

Dark eyes widened and Breeze sidestepped to the couch and sat. “Go on.”

“I’m lonely. Do you know what it is like for me?”

“No.” Breeze’s voice softened to almost a whisper. “Tell me.”

“I just want what everyone else has.”

“We’re equal here.”

“No. We aren’t. Have you stayed out all night with a man before?”

“Of course.”

“Did angry security officers take him away? Were you called names and insulted as though you were somehow tricked into being with him? Were you followed to your room to have it invaded by someone who demands answers?”

“Who called you names and insulted you?”

“Kit. She thinks I’m a child and stupid because I wanted to know what it was like to be held by a man. He didn’t try to do anything to me sexually but I wish he had. He never will though. I’m Gift. He won’t even speak to me again and it’s not fair.”

“Oh shit,” Breeze muttered, understanding dawning. “You went in search of a male?”

“No. I wanted to feel free and alive. I don’t here. I ran into the rain to get away from this place and he found me. The hail started and Shadow took me to the small building to protect me from the storm. He tried leave right away to call for assistance but I just wanted to spend time with him.” Hot tears spilled down her cheeks. “Now he’s in trouble because I tricked him into staying with me and everyone seems to be angry at him. He did nothing wrong except believe me when I said I’d be terrified if he left me alone. I just wanted to get to know him.”

Breeze closed her eyes. Beauty didn’t know what the other woman was thinking but she guessed now she would be in trouble for admitting that she’d lied to Shadow. It was a bad trait Species detested, though it was sometimes necessary. Tricking a man into spending the night wasn’t for the good of anyone but Beauty. Brown eyes opened to fix on her face.

“I’m going to make some calls and make sure Shadow isn’t in trouble. Then you and I are going to talk. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

“I know. I’m restricted to my room. Kit grounded me.”

“She what?” Breeze rose to her feet with a snarl.

“That’s what Gifts are to all of you, right? Children? Why did you bother to save us? It’s a prison without abuse but it’s still captivity. Sunshine, nicer living conditions, and food aren’t enough.” Beauty fled to her bedroom and closed the door.

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