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Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - Андреевский Сергей Аркадьевич - Страница 27

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Had the ship been taken, then (значит, корабль захвачен)? But that was impossible (но это невозможно), for there were the pirates clustering in swarms along the port bulwarks (потому что вдоль левого борта группами стояли пираты; to cluster – собираться группами, толпиться; swarm – рой, стая; толпа; port – левый борт /корабля, самолета/; bulwarks – фальшборт), and waving their hats joyously in the air (и радостно махали в воздухе шляпами).

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Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 For an instant Craddock stopped in amazement, but a brutal push from the pirates behind drove him up the companion ladder. As he stepped out upon deck, his eyes turned up to the main, and there again were the British colours flying above the red pennant, and all the shrouds and rigging were garlanded with streamers.

Had the ship been taken, then? But that was impossible, for there were the pirates clustering in swarms along the port bulwarks, and waving their hats joyously in the air.

Most prominent of all was the renegade mate (самым заметным из всех был ренегат-помощник), standing on the foc’sle head, and gesticulating wildly (он стоял на вершине полубака и дико жестикулировал; foc’sle = forecastle; head – голова; верхушка, верхняя часть). Craddock looked over the side to see what they were cheering at (Крэддок бросив взгляд через борт, увидел, чему они так радовались), and then in a flash he saw how critical was the moment (и тогда в один миг осознал всю важность момента; in a flash – в мгновение ока; to see – видеть; понимать, сознавать; critical – требовательный, критический).

On the port bow, and about a mile off, lay the white houses and forts of Port Royal (по левому борту, примерно в миле /от них/, стояли белые домики и форты Порт-Ройяля; bow – нос корабля, бак), with flags breaking out everywhere over their roofs (повсюду над их крышами развевались флаги; to break out – развертывать /флаг/).

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Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 Most prominent of all was the renegade mate, standing on the foc’sle head, and gesticulating wildly. Craddock looked over the side to see what they were cheering at, and then in a flash he saw how critical was the moment.

On the port bow, and about a mile off, lay the white houses and forts of Port Royal, with flags breaking out everywhere over their roofs.

Right ahead was the opening of the palisades leading to the town of Kingston (прямо впереди между береговых скал был проход, ведущий в центр Кингстона; opening – открывание /процесс/; проход /в горах/; palisade – палисад, частокол; palisades – береговые скалы; town – город; деловой центр). Not more than a quarter of a mile off was a small sloop (не далее четверти мили от него виднелся небольшой шлюп) working out against the very slight wind (идущий против совсем слабенького ветерка; to work – работать; пробираться, продвигаться). The British ensign was at her peak (на верхушке /мачты/ реял вымпел Британии), and her rigging was all decorated (и весь такелаж был /празднично/ украшен). On her deck could be seen a dense crowd of people (на палубе можно было увидеть густую толпу людей = на палубе во множестве толпились люди) cheering and waving their hats (выкрикивая приветствия и размахивая шляпами), and the gleam of scarlet told that there were officers of the garrison among them (и мелькавшие /кое-где/ алые пятна говорили о том, что среди них находились и офицеры гарнизона; gleam – проблеск, вспышка).

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Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 Right ahead was the opening of the palisades leading to the town of Kingston. Not more than a quarter of a mile off was a small sloop working out against the very slight wind. The British ensign was at her peak, and her rigging was all decorated. On her deck could be seen a dense crowd of people cheering and waving their hats, and the gleam of scarlet told that there were officers of the garrison among them.

In an instant, with the quick perception of a man of action (в одно мгновенье с проницательностью человека, /привыкшего/ действовать быстро; perception – осмысление, понимание; проницательность), Craddock saw through it all (Крэддок понял все; to see through – видеть насквозь). Sharkey, with that diabolical cunning and audacity (Шарки с дьявольской хитростью и дерзостью) which were among his main characteristics (которые были одними из главных черт его характера), was simulating the part which Craddock would himself have played (играл: «имитировал» роль, которую должен был исполнить сам Крэддок), had he come back victorious (вернись он назад с победой). It was in his honour that the salutes were firing and the flags flying (это в его честь гремели: «стреляли» салюты и развевались флаги).

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Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 In an instant, with the quick perception of a man of action, Craddock saw through it all. Sharkey, with that diabolical cunning and audacity which were among his main characteristics, was simulating the part which Craddock would himself have played, had he come back victorious. It was in his honour that the salutes were firing and the flags flying.

It was to welcome him that this ship with the Governor, the commandant, and the chiefs of the island was approaching (приближался корабль с губернатором, комендантом и первыми лицами острова /на борту/, чтобы приветствовать его, /Крэддока/; chief – глава, правитель). In another ten minutes they would all be under the guns of the Happy Delivery (еще десять минут и они будут в пределах досягаемости пушек «Счастливого избавления»), and Sharkey would have won the greatest stake (и Шарки выиграет самую крупную ставку; to win) that ever a pirate played for yet (какую когда-либо до этого разыгрывал любой из пиратов).

“Bring him forward,” cried the pirate captain (выведите его вперед, – крикнул пиратский капитан), as Craddock appeared between the carpenter and the quartermaster (когда Крэддок /в сопровождении/ плотника и интенданта появился /на палубе/). “Keep the ports closed, but clear away the port guns (орудийные порты держать прикрытыми, откатите пушки с левого борта), and stand by for a broadside (и будьте готовы к бортовому залпу; to stand by – быть наготове). Another two cable lengths and we have them (еще два кабельтовых, и мы их достанем; length – длина; расстояние).”

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Английский с А. Конан Дойлем. Пиратские истории / A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Pirates - imgaa8.jpg
 It was to welcome him that this ship with the Governor, the commandant, and the chiefs of the island was approaching. In another ten minutes they would all be under the guns of the Happy Delivery, and Sharkey would have won the greatest stake that ever a pirate played for yet.

“Bring him forward,” cried the pirate captain, as Craddock appeared between the carpenter and the quartermaster. “Keep the ports closed, but clear away the port guns, and stand by for a broadside. Another two cable lengths and we have them.”

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