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The Dark of the Sun - Smith Wilbur - Страница 29

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letting it come slowly shaking up his throat from his chest.

Boussier was waiting for him in the lounge. He wore a towelling

dressing-gown, and the creases of sleep were on his face.

"Are all your preparations complete, monsieur?"

"Yes," the old man answered. "The women and the two children are asleep

upstairs. Madame

Cartier has just gone up.

"I know," said Bruce, and Boussier went on, "As you see, I have all the

men here." He gestured at the sleeping bodies that covered the floor of

the lounge and bar-room.

"Good," said Bruce. "We'll leave as soon as it's light tomorrow."

He yawned, then rubbed his eyes, massaging them with his finger tips.

"Where is my officer, the one with the red hair?"

"He has gone back to the train, very drunk. We had more trouble with him

after you had left." Boussier hesitated delicately. "He wanted to go

upstairs, to the women."

"Damn him." Bruce felt his anger coming again. "What happened?"

"Your sergeant major, the big one, dissuaded him and took him away."

"Thank God for Ruffy."

"I leave reserved a place for you to sleep." Boussier pointed to a

comfortable leather armchair. "You must be exhausted."

"That is kind of you," Bruce thanked him. "But first I

must inspect our defences."

Bruce woke with Shermaine leaning "over the chair and tickling his nose.

He was fully dressed with his helmet and rifle on the floor beside him

and only his boots unlaced.

"You do not snore, Bruce," she congratulated him, laughing her small

husky laugh. "That is a good thing." He struggled up, dopey with sleep.

"What time is it?"

"Nearly five o'clock. I have breakfast for you in the kitchen."

"Where is Boussier?"

"He is dressing; then he will start moving them down to the train."

"my mouth tastes as though a goat slept in it." Bruce moved his tongue

across his teeth, feeling the fur on them.

"Then I shall not kiss you good morning, mon capitaine." She

straightened up with the laughter still in her eyes. "But your toilet

requisites are in the kitchen. I sent one of your gendarmes to fetch

them from the train. You can wash in the sink." Bruce laced up his boots

and followed her through into the kitchen, stepping over sleeping bodies

on the way.

"There is no hot water," Shermaine apologized.

"That is the least of my worries." Bruce crossed to the table and opened

his small personal pack, taking out his razor and soap and comb.

"I raided the chicken coop for you," Shermaine confessed.

"There were only two eggs. How shall I cook them?" soft boiled, one

minute." Bruce stripped off his jacket and shirt, went to the sink and

filled it. He sluiced his face and lifted handfuls of water over his

head, snorting with pleasure.

Then he propped his shaving mirror above the taps and spread soap on his

face. Shermaine came to sit on the draining board beside him and watched

with frank interest.

"I will be sorry to see the beard go," she said. "It looked like

the pelt of an otter, I liked it."

"Perhaps I will grow it for you one day." Bruce smiled at her. "Your

eyes are blue, Shermaine."

"It has taken you a long time to find that out," she said and pouted

dramatically. Her skin was silky and coollooking, lips pale pink without

make-up. Her dark hair, drawn back, emphasized the high cheek bones and

the size of her eyes.

"In India "slier" means "tiger"," Bruce told her, watching her from the

corner of his eye. Immediately she abandoned the pout and drew her lips

up into a snarl. Her teeth were small and very white and only slightly

uneven. Her eyes rolled wide and then crossed at an alarming angle. She

growled. Taken by surprise, Bruce laughed and nearly cut himself.

"I cannot abide a woman who clowns before breakfast. It ruins my

digestion," he laughed at her.

"Breakfast!" said Shermaine and uncrossed her eyes, jumped off the

draining board and ran to the stove.

"Only just in time." She checked her watch. "One minute and twenty

seconds, will you forgive me?"

"This once only, never again."

Bruce washed the soap off his face, dried and combed his hair and came

to the table.

She had a chair ready for him.

"How much sugar in your coffee?"

"Three, please." Bruce chopped the top off his egg, and she brought the

mug and placed it in front of him.

"I like making breakfast for you." Bruce didn't answer her.

This was dangerous talk. She sat down opposite him, leaned forward on

her elbows with her chin in her hands.

"You eat too fast," she announced and Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"But at least you keep your mouth closed." Bruce started on his second


"How old are you?" "Thirty, said Bruce.

"I'm twenty - nearly twenty-one."

"A ripe old age."

"What do you do?"

"I'm a soldier," he answered.

"No, you're not."

"All right, I'm a lawyer."

"You must be clever," she said solemnly.

"A genius, that's why I'm here."

"Are you married?"

"No - I was.

What is this, a formal interrogation?"

"Is she dead?"

"No." He prevented the hurt from showing in his face, it was easier to

do now.

"Oh!" said Shermaine. She picked up the teaspoon and concentrated on

stir ing his coffee.


"is she pretty?"

"No - yes, I suppose so."

"Where is she?" Then

quickly, "I'm sorry it's none of my business." Bruce took the coffee

from her and drank it. Then he looked at his watch.

"It's nearly five fifteen. I must go out and get Mike Haig."

Shermaine stood up quickly.

"I'm ready."

"I know the way - you had better get down to the station."

"I want to come with you."


"Just because, that's why."

Searching for a reason. "I want to see the baby again."

"You win."

Bruce picked up his pack and they went through into the lounge.

Boussier was there, dressed and efficient. His men were nearly ready to


"Madame Cartier and I are going out to the mission to fetch the doctor.

We will be back in half an hour or so. I want all your people aboard by


"Very well, Captain." Bruce called to Ruffy who was standing on the


"Did you load those supplies for the mission?"

"They're in the back of the Ford, boss."

"Good. Bring all your sentries in and take them down to the station.

Tell the engine driver to get steam up and keep his hand on the

throttle. We'll shove off as soon as I get back with Lieutenant Haig."

"Okay, boss." Bruce handed him his pack. "Take this down for me, Ruffy."

Then his eyes fell on the large heap of cardboard cartons at Ruffy's

feet. "What's that?" Ruffy looked a little embarrassed. "Coupla bottles

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Smith Wilbur - The Dark of the Sun The Dark of the Sun
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